Research evolves....

Research into traffic injuries and how best to treat them, is evolving constantly. This is frustrating at times.  For example, the rule of rest, ice, compression and elevation (R.I.C.E.) has been with us for many years. But researchers have recently started to question the wisdom of interrupting the natural inflammation that results after injuries. How do we know what's right?  Staying abreast of the evidence helps treatment providers, such as physical therapists, chiropractors, and occupational therapists work with patients to design a treatment approach that is effective for individual patients.  Often there is no single "correct" treatment approach. But even with that, it is helpful for injured persons, health professionals and other stakeholders to have an idea of evidence-informed practice.  That's where "Treatment Guidelines" or "Care Pathways" can be helpful to patients and rehabilitation providers when deciding on a plan of care. 

Treatment Guidelines/Care Pathways

Researchers are continually creating tools to help front line treatment providers decide what "best practices" are for managing specific injuries or conditions.  Such guidelines are developed using a systematic process whereby the authors examine all relevant research in an area and weigh the quality of that research in guiding practice. If you have questions about an injury or condition, ask your doctor or health professional  if there are any practice guidelines that might help you understand different types of treatment and the evidence that may support or not support use of specific treatments in your circumstances.